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Immagine del redattoreFrancesca Bonfatti


Financial Consequences International Multimedia Poetry Festival Saturday 9 February 2019 STARTS 16:00 ends 23:00 FREE entrance / doors open at 15.45 organized by +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] – Athens, Greece supported by London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Anthropology location of the festival: LSE Saw Swee Hock Centre 1 Sheffield Street London WC2A 2APFinancial Consequences International Multimedia Poetry Festival Saturday 9 February 2019 STARTS 16:00 ends 23:00 FREE entrance / doors open at 15.45 organized by +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] – Athens, Greece supported by London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Anthropology location of the festival: LSE Saw Swee Hock Centre 1 Sheffield Street London WC2A 2AP

“Financial Consequences – International MultiMedia Poetry Festival” challenges the perceptions of the economic crises and providing a new point of view via a wide variety of mediums. For the last 10 years, we see entrepreneurs, economists, bankers, technocrats and politicians to dominate the public opinion- now is the time for poets to explain to all of them the social impact of their decisions and their politics. The social awareness and sensitivity of poets – in collaboration with video artists and musicians- invited from countries crushed by the economic crises offer us the best possible view to invisible sites of social life, offer us the opportunity to understand and realize the Financial Consequences of economic crises in the everyday life of all of us and especially of people in suffer. The Institute for Experimental Arts was founded in 2008 in Athens- Greece as a non-profit platform of creative expression and research in the fields of theater, performance art, digital media, installation, poetry and art theory. The Institute is committed to exist as an open meeting point for poets-writers, directors, actors, theater engineers/ technicians, performance artists, photographers, video artists and the writers who develop new analytical tools on contemporary art, media & communication

Saturday 9 February 2019 at 16:00 Part A: Introductory Lectures – Duration 30 minutes Lecture by the world-known professor of Anthropology David Graeber (London School of Economics) “How social and economic structure influences the Art World” Influential anthropologist David Graeber, known for his 2011 volume Debt: The First 5000 Years speaks about the correlation between the cultural sphere and society. The intellectuals and the artists create an imaginary way to criticize the economic system in any era. Art can overcome hegemonic frameworks and acknowledge other possible worlds, offer us the opportunity to understand better the marginalized social entities. Social exclusion is the process in which individuals or people are systematically blocked from (or denied full access to) various rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of a different group, and which are fundamental to social integration and observance of human rights within that particular group (e.g., housing, employment, healthcare, civic engagement, democratic participation, and due process). As the economic crises go deeper in time more people face the effects of exclusion. Art and social sciences can give voice to the voiceless. Especially young social aware poets can give us a clear view of the real social effect of the financial consequences. “Poetry and Revolt- Political Art in the 21st Century” Lecture by Tasos Sagris- theatre director, poet, activist. Art director of the Financial Consequences festival Tasos Sagris, known in the English speaking audience as co-editor of the book ” We are an Image from the Future- The Greek Revolt of Dec.2008″ introduce us in a new way of understanding the political art in 21st century. Part B: Video Poetry Zone (duration 2 hours – starts at 16.30) A compilation with the outstanding video poems from the last 7 years of International Video Poetry Festival will be screened. A unique compilation including cinematic visual art based on poetry by artists from all over the world (America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania). The programme will include the most social aware video poems among hundreds videos from the International Video Poetry archive. The International VideohPoetry Festival is an annual festival held by the Institute for Experimental Arts in Athens, Greece over the last of years as a non-profit, free entrance event. Approximately 1200 people attend the festival every year. The International Video Poetry Festival attempts to create an open public space for the creative expression of all tendencies and streams of contemporary visual poetry. Multimedia poetry nights and video poetry shows can bring new audiences in contact with visual art and contemporary poetry, to open new creative dimensions.

UK: Maciej Piatek. Helen Dewbery. Adrian Carter UK/ISRAEL: Yael Ozsinay. Nir Philosof. Maayan Moreno Erlich. Shimi Asresay. Noa Evron. Inbal Ochyon. Valery Yuzefovic. Dekel Oved. Sivan Kotek. Dan Berger. Inbal Breda. Adva Rodan. Tal Rachmin. Talia Randall FRANCE: Eric Sarner AUSTRALIA: Maria Craven. Radheya Jegatheva. Jason Lam USA: Dave Bonta. Hieu Gray. Liza Seidenberg. Jonathan Reyes. R. A. Villanueva RUSSIA: Inga Shepeleva GERMANY: Von Kuesti Fraun. Julian Weinert SPAIN: Igor Luna PORTUGAL: Manuel Vilarinho CANADA: James Pomeroy ITALY: Francesca Bonfatti BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA: Amina Avdic ISLE OF MAN: Janet Lees TURKEY/UKRAINE: Lokal Anestezi IRAN/UK: Roxana Vilk COLOMBIA: Catalina Giraldo Velez UK/ZAMBIA: Fiona Melville

MORE INFO: find bios, videos, photos, info about the participants and general programme of VIDEO POETRY Zone HERE:

Part C Financial Consequences Multimedia LIVE Performances

Duration 4 1/2 hours – starts at 18.30

Poets, musicians and visual artists create a vibrant atmosphere with multimedia poetry readings and live poetry performances. Spoken Poetry has been growing over the last years. A collection of contemporary poets from countries faced to financial crisis begin to build up an important social role in our times. Poetry communities preserve the possibility of mutual understanding by reading and performing it. Poetry responses to economical crisis, social exclusion and conflict, the challenges society faces. Poetry has a special role under difficult financial and political conditions. As Wallace Stevens believed: “Poets help the political beings to live their lives, not by telling them what to think. They do so by creating spaces where one individual imagination can activate another and those imaginations can be together. Poems are imaginative structures built out of words, one that any reader or listener can enter. Live Poetry Performances are places of freedom, enlivenment, and true communion.”

Poetry Performances Live Concerts



ELIZABETH TAPINI reads poems from a series of revolutionary, social uprisings that enveloped after 2010 in several Arab countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Bahrain. ______________________________________ Financial Consequences International Multimedia Poetry Festival Saturday 9 February 2019 STARTS 16:00 ends 23:00 FREE entrance / doors open at 15.45 organized by +the Institute [for Experimental Arts]- Athens Greece supported by London School of Economics and Political Science Department of Anthropology location of the festival: LSE Saw Swee Hock Centre 1 Sheffield Street London WC2A 2AP

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